Rust on ESP32s
Why would you want to use Rust? TL;DR: The performance of C++, with better safety. Also, it's cool. 🦀 🦀 🦀
An associated GitHub repo was created at
Installation Instructions
The following instructions were taken from
Using Rust for ESP32
Step 0: install Rust & Cargo from RustUp - Go to
Step 1: Install espup
cargo install espup
espup install # To install Espressif Rust ecosystem
# [Unix]: Source the following file in every terminal before building a project
. $HOME/
# STD Project
cargo generate esp-rs/esp-idf-template cargo
# NO-STD (Bare-metal) Project
cargo generate esp-rs/esp-template
Internal Blink project
The standard sanity check after creating a new project is to create a project that blinks the internal led.
In Rust, we can use:
//! Blinks the internal led (GPIO pin 2)
//! built for ESP32
//! modified from
//! by Zack Sargent
use esp_idf_hal::delay::FreeRtos;
use esp_idf_hal::gpio::*;
use esp_idf_hal::peripherals::Peripherals;
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
/* setup - runs once on board start */
// It is necessary to call this function once. Otherwise some patches to the runtime
// implemented by esp-idf-sys might not link properly. See
esp_idf_svc::log::EspLogger::initialize_default(); // initalize logger
// The `?` at the end of the following lines means:
// "If this function returns an error, stop the main function and return that error."
// It's like throwing an exception.
let peripherals = Peripherals::take()?; // get list of peripherals
let mut led = PinDriver::output(peripherals.pins.gpio2)?; // take the GPIO pin 2 as an output device
log::info!("Connected! Blinking..");
/* loop - equivalent to a `while(true)` loop in C++ */
loop {
// run with `cargo run` or `cargo espflash flash --port <SERIAL>`